The Hill Poll: "Reid makes up major ground against GOP in reelection battle"
Las Vegas Review-Journal OPINION POLL: "… Reid picture improves"
Politico: "Reid numbers rebounding"
But the Tarrance Group points out that Reid's surge is as illusory as a Great Basin mirage:
Reid's ballot share was thirty-seven percent (37%) in the Last Vegas Review-Journal April poll. The latest Review-Journal survey now reports Reid with thirty-nine percent (39%) ballot support.Technorati tags:
1) This "movement" is well within the margin of error. Hardly a Reid surge.
2) Reid is still 11-points under fifty percent (50%) against the best known opponent, and 8-points behind the least known. Incumbent ballots are “what you see is what you get."
3) Reid's personal image still 12-points upside down. He has not solved the problem voters have with him, not by a long shot.
1 comment:
Went to Ely, NV for golf and observed signs everywhere saying "Elect anyone 'BUTT' Harry Reid.
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