Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cap and trade push: The end of EFCA?

In attempt to capitalize on the justifiable anger against BP over the Gulf oil spill, the Democrats are renewing their push for an expensive cap and trade bill--make that cap and tax. Of course BP favors cap and trade, but the Dems are getting desperate. I can't envision the Democrats driving to pass two unpopular bills a few months before the midterm elections, so my guess is that the ailing Employee Free Choice Act, which actually takes away choice, is dead.

No one was told AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, who just three days ago told United Auto Worker members, "We won't quit until the EFCA becomes the law of the land and everyone who wants a union can have a union."

EFCA contains card check, which will eliminate workers' right to a secret ballot election and replace it with a free-to-peek petition method--which will subject workers to union intimidation.

My take? These bad bills deserve each other. Let's have a double funeral.

Related post:

BP supports Democrats' cap and trade tax bill

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1 comment:

Get Off My Back said...

Cap and trade is a non-starter. The EFCA will be mandated by the NLRB and its new czars. Something similar for cap and trade will come through regulation by the EPA. Obama realized with the election of Scott Brown that open subterfuge (aka Obamacare) had to be replaced by stealth subterfuge (thus the coming onslaught of midnight recess appointments to join the likes of red-leftists like Craig Becker). If you can't legislate it, just mandate it like Hugo Chavez. That's where we stand now in our so-called democracy ruled by holier-than-thou leftist thugs.