Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), the chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, said May 11 that he had 'no higher priority' than passage of the proposed Employee Free Choice Act (S. 560, H.R. 1409), which would make it easier for workers to form unions. ("Harkin Tells Machinists He Has 'No Higher Priority' Than Passage of EFCA," Daily Labor Report in The Bureau of National Affairs, 5/12/10)--paid subscription required.However, the new president of the Service Employees International Union, Mary Kay Henry, has (I can't believe I'm writing this) a more realistic view on EFCA:
Technorati tags:Henry said a vote on [EFCA] would be welcome, but that's unlikely this year as Democrats no longer have the 60 votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster. (Kevin Bogardus, "SEIU To Refocus Under Henry," The Hill, 5/12/10)
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