Sunday, April 04, 2010

No Easter truce: New York Slimes slurs tea party movement

The disgraced left-wing media stoops to a new low on Easter morning with the New York Times comparing the energetic, yet strongly law-abiding tea party movement, to the murderous thugs of the Weather Underground terrorist group. You know, the jackals who counted Barack Obama's pal Bill "Bomber" Ayers as one of its leaders.

The article is entitled, "When Does Political Anger Turn to Violence?," and simply put, the tea partiers don't break laws at events. Can anyone cite one instance? Besides parking tickets?

Do you see the guy up on top in the center wearing a football helmet? That's John Jacobs, who was part of a Weather Underground plot to explode a nail-bomb at a soldier's dance at Fort Dix. Instead, the bomb destroyed a New York City townhouse owned by the father of a Weather Underground member, killing three terrorists.

Jacobs was a fugitive for the rest of his life, he died in 1997. There is no tea party equivalent to Jacobs. Let me repeat that: There is no tea party equivalent to Jacobs.

Of course the article doesn't accuse the tea partiers of committing violent acts, but that's not the point. The New York Slimes knows that many of its readers skim the publication (not necessarily a bad thing, considering its contents), but they are well aware that the image of the Weather Underground fused with the tea partiers will remain implanted in their brains. The Slimes is doing the work of the Democratic National Committee.

The Slimes has no shame.

Hat tip to Andrea Shea King, who is embedded with the Tea Party Express freedom caravan.

Related post:

Dems new agenda: Destroy the tea party movement

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