Just like the end of Field of Dreams,
From a Tea Party Express press release:
Throughout the night the staff of the Tea Party Express has been on-location at the site of today's "Showdown in Searchlight" mega tea party rally. The staff is dispatched in teams from the entrance point back through the giant 160-acre parcel of land the rally is being held on to guide supporters who have been arriving in RV's and cars all throughout the night.
With hundreds of RV's and cars already arriving, organizers at the Tea Party Express are revising the projected crowd size for the rally higher - and expect more than 10,000 supporters to attend this historic event.
Supporters are coming in from every county in Nevada and every state in the nation.
"This event is exceeding even our own expectations. We've said it time-and-again, this has become a 'Conservative Woodstock' and tonight, this piece of land in the middle of the Nevada desert has a temporary population that has already surpassed that of the entire town of Searchlight, NV" said Joe Wierzbicki, Coordinator for the Tea Party Express.
Build it, and they will come.
Sarah Palin and Joe The Plumber are among the speakers at the Showdown in Searchlight
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Ah, the Tea Party. Wasn't it stupid of the GOP to embrace a third party that will only diminish their electoral strength in the long run?
By this late point it must be obvious to even the casual observer that this is an organization comprised of morons. It was formed as a protest movement against high taxes - immediately after President Obama passed the largest middle class tax cut in American history. There's no denying it, these are not the brightest people on the planet. Their overt racism notwithstanding, they sure are funny! One self identified Tea Partier called into C-SPAN's Washington Journal the other day asking the moderator where she could write to her congressman. When host Greta Brawner asked this idiotic woman what her congressman's name was, she replied (I assume with a straight face) "He's a Democrat. I don't know his name." Ya gotta love 'em! You just gotta!
Look toward the top of the circus tent, boys and girls! Watch that elephant attempt to walk the tightrope! It's hard not to feel just a smidgen of sympathy for the "party of Lincoln" (Doesn't that title just tickle the hell out of you?) Embracing the Tea Party last year was akin to kissing a viper. Watching them desperately trying to distance themselves from this bunch is - "amusing" shall we say? On the one hand they don't dare give these knuckleheads even a token role in putting their platform together at the 2012 convention for fear of further alienating the moderates. On the other hand they run the risk having them bolt the party, launching a series of third party uprisings.
Are you having half as much fun as I watching the utter implosion of that party? I'm gonna miss them when they're gone - I really am!
Tom Degan
mr. Degan. It is a known fact that a large majority of democrat voters cannot name their senator or congressman, let alone tell you who the VP of the USA is, so give the lady a break. At least she knew he was a dem.
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