American Thinker's Richard Baehr.
I'm not going "birther" on you, I don't think Barack Obama was born in Kenya, but the president is cursed with that third world distaste of Israel. After all, about one-quarter of the rebukes issued by the United Nation's Human Rights Commission involve denouncing Israel. But the UN is dominated by third world states such as Equatorial Guinea, who seem not as interested in Darfur or Iran.
Israel is one of America's great allies, and easiest the most important one in the Middle East.
But little does that mean to Obama, who is trying to refashion America into a European-style welfare state. People like myself are trying to prevent that, but that's another post for another time.
Earlier this week Israeli Prime Minister Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House and was verbally roughed up by the president. And he was treated shabbily, not receiving the typical photo shoot with Obama--but hey, "Bibi" isn't a big shot like the President of Equatorial Guinea.
From the Telegraph:
I wrote recently about Barack Obama's sneering contempt for both Israel and Great Britain. Further confirmation of this was provided today with new details emerging regarding the President's appalling reception for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House earlier this week. As Adrian Blomfield reports for The Telegraph:Here is something new: An anti-Israeli president of the United States.Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday. The snub marked a fresh low in US-Israeli relations and appeared designed to show Mr Netanyahu how low his stock had fallen in Washington after he refused to back down in a row over Jewish construction in east Jerusalem.
… (Mr. Obama) immediately presented Mr Netanyahu with a list of 13 demands designed both to the end the feud with his administration and to build Palestinian confidence ahead of the resumption of peace talks. Key among those demands was a previously-made call to halt all new settlement construction in east Jerusalem.
When the Israeli prime minister stalled, Mr Obama rose from his seat declaring: "I'm going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls.” As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. "I'm still around," Mr Obama is quoted by Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. "Let me know if there is anything new."
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Obama doesn't view UK relationship as special
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It clearly shows you are trying to twist the simple facts; if not then you are one of the stupidest person having just one point of view...polarized and brainwashed just like all other extremists. Can you put your deeds together and speak up the truth.
Which simple facts am I trying to twist?
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