Israel is another country being thrown under Obama's bus. For reasons I can't ascertain--other than the president doesn't like Israel--the White House is angry that the Jewish state gave approval for the construction of 1,600 houses in East Jerusalem while Vice President Biden was visting Israel.
This is different than building homes on the West Bank. Israel considers Jerusalem its capital--in fact it is, although most nations, including ours, maintain embassies in Tel Aviv.
The The American Israel Public Affairs Committee denounced the chill in Israeli-American relations, calling it "a matter of serious concern." Abe Foxman, who heads the Anti-Defamation League, calls it "flawed policy."
Apparently feeling the heat, late this afternoon a State Department spokesman told reporters, "Israel is a strategic ally of the US and will continue to be so."

But that would sound more convincing if it came from directly from the president or Secretary State Hillary Clinton.
Remember: Obama has "palled around" with such anti-Israel individuals such as Rashid Khalidi, Ali Abunimah, and Samantha Power.
He's our first anti-Israeli president. And Obama doesn't like Britain.
Who's the next addition on Obama's "I don't like you" list? Australia?
Related post:
Obama doesn't view UK relationship as special
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