The Democrats' $862 billion stimulus bill was supposed to create jobs. In the United States. Green jobs were to be among them, but many of those stimulus-funded projects are benefiting China.
Meanwhile, the Democrats apparently have given up forcing a "cap and tax" caper on an unwilling public. But now they are looking at "carbon taxes," and the Dems aren't alone--Sen. Joe Lierberman (I-CT) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are joining them by proposing a crypto-cap and tax scheme that limits carbon emissions on power plants and factories--and more.
Take a look at this sneaky AP sentence:
Motor fuel may be subject to a carbon tax whose proceeds could help electrify the U.S. transportation sector.Let me translate: That means a new gasoline tax. Not only will that leave Americans with less money to spend on other things, it will add to the cost of other goods. Manufacturers will simply add the higher transportation expenses to the price of their products.
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