Monday, March 08, 2010

Durbin demonizing insurance companies

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), in his quest to foist the unpopular ObamaCare bill upon the public, is using a familiar Democratic ploy--blaming insurance companies for high health care costs.

He is someone who has spent almost his entire adult life as a legislator--or working for one--so a healthy dose of skepticism is in order when it comes to whatever comes out of Durbin's mouth.

In a Chicago press conference yesterday, the Springfield Democrat said "the party's over" in regards to high profits of insurance companies, claiming that premiums for Illinoisans could increase by 60 percent. And that's not all: "First we're going to end their anti-trust exemption," Durbin said. "Currently, they can literally collude and conspire to fix prices. It's legal. It's legal. And it's been that way for over 60 years. We're going to change that."

Missing from the ObamaCare legislation is tort reform and the ability of consumers Durbin purports to represent to purchase insurance across state lines.

The Democrats need an enemy--enter insurance companies.

Meanwhile, Durbin is maneuvering to become the leader of the Senate Democrats if Harry Reid (D-NV) fails in his reelection attempt.

Related post:

Durbin defends "nuclear option" on ObamaCare, defended filibuster in '05

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1 comment:

Crazy Politico said...

Remember, this all started as "health care reform", until polling and TEA parties showed that didn't resonate. So now it's "health insurance reform". When that doesn't pass, since it doesn't play either, I wonder what they'll rename it.