Sunday, February 21, 2010

Video: Pre-Climategate global warming debunking

The amazing thing about this video, which dunks man-made global warming into a bucket of ice water, is that it was made two years before the Climategate revelations.

During the Middle Ages, the planet was warmer, which is why the Norse were able to sustain two colonies in Greenland for centuries. But then it got cold, and the colonies died out like a rose in December.

Disclosure: This is the third time I've posted this video. Some people are slow learners.

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talnik said...

"This is the third time I've posted this video. Some people are slow learners."
That could only mean us, your readers. Thanks a lot. But the laugh's on you, we have hair!

Marathon Pundit said...

Ooh...that hurt. Seriously...I have a lot of readers who want to see what is going on what they view as behind enemy lines. You, on the other hand, are not an enemy.

talnik said...

Thanks. Actually, I have very little hair, and when it's cut I ask the barber if it's really mine it's so ...gray.