Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obama: 'Systemic failure' allowed Detroit near miss

Detroit--and America--got real lucky on Friday when a Nigerian terrorist tried to blow up a jet over the Motor City.

Now finally, President Obama is admitting something went horribly wrong.

President Barack Obama said Tuesday "a systemic failure" allowed the attempted Christmas Day attack on a Detroit-bound flight from Amsterdam. He called it "totally unacceptable." The president said he wants preliminary results by Thursday from two investigations he has ordered to examine the many lapses that occurred.

"There was a mix of human and systemic failures that contributed to this potential catastrophic breach of security," Obama said.

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1 comment:

storico sgrz said...

i repubblicani già mettono sotto accusa Obama sostenendo che non è capace di difendere il Paese

se gli Usa vengono attaccati è naturtale che cerchino di stanare le basi del terrorismo

Obama sulla graticola dopo il fallito attentato di Detroit