There I am with Alan Colmes, along with Skye of
Midnight Blue. The photo was taken two months ago inside Talk Radio Row at the Republican National Convention. Alan, who is pretty tall by the way, 6 feet three inches or so, was really friendly to us, even after he learned that his assumption that we were both Barack Obama supporters was incorrect. Skye was still a Democrat then, and because I was from Illinois, Colmes thought I had succumbed to Obama-mania.
Colmes announced today that he was leaving Hannity & Colmes. He'll stay with Fox News, with a weekend show in the works for him.
I don't agree with Colmes on many key issues, but he's still a class act. Good luck, Alan.
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Fox News Channel
Alan Colmes
If it weren't for NO CLASS, Colmes wouldn't have any class at all. Thank you.
I've always heard people say that he is a fine person and enjoyable to be with when not talking lib politics on air. Still, I'm glad glad glad he's off the show. But, on Nov 5th I removed all news channels from my system's line-up. So, since I won't turn on anything to do with national politics for the next 4 years so I won't ever have to hear the word "Obama", my opinion probably shouldn't count.
Still...one can never be too careful...notice how tightly I'm holding my laptop.
Honestly, and no offense, but you could cut yourself, and Colmes from that pic and that'd be just fine with me.
Lucky bastage
Didya get Colmes Autograph?
Well, as Colmes has stated:
"We have a Democratic House, Senate and president," Colmes said in an interview. "My work is done."
I'm sure when Sarah Palin is elected President, Colmes will be begging Hannity for his old job.
Colmes had a nice tie.
McPain and Falin, what a combo!
All hail King Pundit!
Pundit O'Tool.
Did you ever have hair Rubberberry?
Ms. Nymphomaniac Rubenberry
and captain Putz!
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