Saturday, November 21, 2009

Video: McConnell's opening remarks on Reid health care bill

Most Americans do not support the Harry Reid health care bill. Sen Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) explained today in his opening remarks on the floor of the Senate.

Here are an excerpt of his remarks:

In tomorrow's Washington Post, David Broder, their distinguished senior columnist, certainly not a political conservative, expresses his reservations as a citizen about the steps that we could be about to take. Broder says in part in his column:

Today after the Congressional Budget Office gave its qualified blessing to the version of health care reform produced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Quinnipiac University poll of a national cross section of voters reported its latest results.’

Now, the reason Broder picks Quinnipiac is he says he is familiar with the pollsters and the process, knows that they are thoroughly nonpartisan and credible. And, of course, the Quinnipiac poll is echoed by every other poll that we’ve seen no matter who is taking it. We know the American people are opposed to this 2,074-page proposal.

Broder points out that in the Quinnipiac survey, less than one-fifth of voters, 19 percent -- a mere 19 percent of the sample – support this bill. Nine of ten Republicans, eight of ten independents said that whatever passes will add to a torrent – a literal torrent – of red ink. By a margin of 4 to 3 – this is extremely significant – by a margin of 4 to 3, even Democrats agreed that this will produce a torrent of red ink. That fear contributed directly to the fact that by a 16-point margin, the majority in this poll said they oppose this legislation moving through Congress.

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