Saturday, November 14, 2009

Obama bows down to royalty--again

As you feel their breath as they whisper
It won't hurt you now to betray
If you just bow down

Elvis Costello, "You Bowed Down," 1996.

And bow down he did. Again. For the second time in his first year in office (it seems longer), President Obama bowed down to royalty. First--the King of Saudi Arabia (gasp), and now the Emperor of Japan.

Americans don't do that. Presidents don't! But Obama's presidency is all about diminishing the greatness of our nation.

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Crazy Politico said...

evidently they should have kept some of the old timers around in the protocol office to explain to the punk how things work.

Genevieve Netz said...

The man just embarasses the heck out of me, over and over again.

Charles Rinehart said...

I have a message for all the acorn, welfare babies, and union people (I use the term "people" very loosely) The zoo all are due back at 6.