Monday, October 26, 2009

White House enemy US Chamber: Attacks backfiring

Besides Fox News, the Obama White House has also declared, albeit on an unofficial basis, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce an enemy of the state.

Politico is reporting that for every action there is a reaction:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue says a campaign by the White House and its allies to undermine his $200-million-a-year association has largely failed — and actually has helped raise even more money for its pro-business efforts.

In a 75-minute interview with POLITICO, Donohue dismissed recent defections by Apple and at least four other companies, which quit over the Chamber's opposition to Democratic climate change legislation — as essentially meaningless. "Members come and go all the damn time," he said.

That's true. But rarely — if ever — have companies jumped ship in such a public way.

Donohue made plain he believes the White House, or at least its closest allies operating on the outside, are behind a very orchestrated campaign to embarrass and undermine the Chamber.

More change that I cannot believe in.

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Crazy Politico said...

The White House and it's allies are working hard to silence any dissenters on their pet projects.

The One© has decided that consensus through intimidation is a better route than compromise.

Anonymous said...

That's great, but then why did the Chamber reverse their climate change policy and support a carbon tax recently?

Seems like the hardball tactics were pretty effective, after all.