Earlier this year, SEIU's president bragged that his union spent $60 million to elect Barack Obama president. This is not change I can believe in. And remember, most of SEIU's members are government workers. This is government politicking for more government.
This summer, the Chicago Democrat signed an executive order that allows collective bargaining for "individual providers of home-based support services." Most of them are people who receive state funding for taking care of one person--often a family member. They'll soon receive ballots asking them to join SEIU or another union whose membership is dominated by government employees, AFSCME.
The Chicago Tribune presents this scary detail:
Caregivers who vote against joining a union or don't vote at all would get to choose whether to become members if SEIU or AFSCME receives the most votes, but even if they decline to join, they will have to pay "fair share" dues, according to union representatives.

Government politicking for more government.
Unions get dues money, some of that dues money goes to political candidates--and unions almost always endorse Democrats.
As for the bus ad, the caption contains a quote by Teamster James Hoffa: "Since when is a secret ballot election a basic tenet of democracy?"
I have a question: Who is looking out for the interests of taxpayers?
Related posts:
SEIU and AFSCME setting up potential wedge between family members
SEIU prez: Union spent $60.7 million to elect Obama
Blagojevich and union "card check"
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