The Service Employees International Union, whose membership rolls are dominated by government workers, will announce its endorsement of Giannoulias at a press conference this morning, according to Greg Hinz of Crain's Chicago Business, who said it was a "nice boost" to the campaign. He adds:
The endorsement has been expected. But even with federal limits on direct contributions, SEIU is well-organized and, one way or the other, can use its 170,000 members to help its chosen candidates.
The union probably is best known locally for having been a huge financial supporter of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who used its funds to overpower the GOP nominee in 2006, Judy Baar Topinka. It also played a major role in the last city elections, funding and electing several aldermen in a campaign energized by debate over Wal-Mart's entry into the city.
It may not look like a "nice boost" next fall. As I've stated as recently as three days ago, political activity by SEIU can be summed up this way: Government workers conspiring for more government at the expense of taxpayer interests. The president of SEIU, Andy Stern, bragged a few months ago that he spent $60.7 million to elect Barack Obama president. Stern is on ACORN's advisory board, and keep in mind, ACORN is a group most voters hadn't heard of just a few weeks ago.
Will SEIU be a household name in 2010?
Closer to home, Chicago News Bench has documented the cozy ties between SEIU and ACORN.
Related SEIU posts:
More SEIU chicanery: Kansas this time
SEIU and AFSCME setting up potential wedge between family members SEIU prez: Union spent $60.7 million to elect Obama
Blagojevich and union "card check"
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