Three days after the North Shore congressman was one of eight Republicans who voted for the national energy tax, better known as cap and trade, I was one of thirty or so protesters who attended a Tea Party at Kirk's Northbrook office.
He got the message.
About cap and trade: I voted for it because it was in the narrow interests of my congressional district. But as your representative, representing the entire state of Illinois, I will vote 'No' on that bill coming up.
A colossally bad vote for Kirk, so-so reasoning on why he changed his mind, great decision not to support the energy tax in the future.
Related post:
Mark Kirk repents (almost) on cap and trade
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So now Rep. Kirk has changed his mind on Cap & Trade. Why should I believe he won't change his mind one more time and once again vote for in favor of it? Exactly what principles guide him in making decisions? Sorry....he won't be getting my vote for Senator!
Perhaps Kirk has learned his lesson -- I'm willing to wait and see the rest of his positions.
I am not willing to shoot myself in the foot over this. A few years ago, my party decided that a man propositioning his own wife disqualified him from being a senator. That's to that idiocy, I haven't had a voice in the senate for years and now am subject to an administration totally at odds with my values.
Conservatives better not throw out the baby for the bathwater again.
I ripped up his money solicitation and told him not in my lifetime.
He also pushed Stem Cells, which didn't need to be done.
2 strikes as it is.
How is voting for Cap & Trade in his district's narrow interest? Do they not need electricity because they're so bright they shine by themselves? It's IL, it's coal - we're billions in debt -
Either he's ignorant, his advisors are ignorant, or his district is. I'd rather him stay there.
His letter said it - moderate to liberal - it's IL.....very little difference - Combine rules.
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