And the Democrats have a huge numbers advantage--60 to 40.
I don't have a count of how many personal injury or malpractice attorneys are in the Senate, but my guess is that all of them are Dems.
Here's what that accountant has to say about ObamaCare:
Facts are stubborn things. Advocates claim a government-run health care plan would reduce costs, allow people who like their health care to keep it, and would not increase the deficit. The numbers tell a different story.
According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, a government-run component would actually increase health care spending, cause millions of people to lose the care they like and have, and add trillions to the national debt.
For millions of Americans, the government-run plan would turn into a bureaucratic nightmare, with the efficiency and customer service of the Department of Motor Vehicles or the IRS. Washington bureaucrats would literally decide whether patients would live or die by rationing newer, more expensive therapies.
Republicans on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee offered several amendments to protect patients and prevent this type of government control and rationing, but Democrats defeated them. This has millions of Americans concerned that a government-run plan would take over the market and ration care.
Related post:
Wyoming senator finds lots of pork in Kennedy-Dodd health care bill
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