Critics of President Obama's health-care overhaul are zeroing in on his senior adviser David Axelrod, whose former partners at a Chicago-based firm are the beneficiaries of huge ad buys — now at $24 million and counting — by White House allies in the reform fight.
The unwelcome scrutiny, largely from Republicans, comes at an inopportune time as Obama seeks to shore up support for health care reform. It revolves around two separate $12 million ad campaigns advocating Obama’s health care plan that were produced and placed partly by AKPD Message and Media, a firm founded by Axelrod that employs his son and still owes Axelrod $2 million.
A separate firm, GMMB, is also handling the campaigns. Both AKPD and GMMB did millions of dollars of work on Obama's presidential campaign, continue to tout their connections to the campaign and still maintain close ties to his inner circle.
The two firms were hired to make the health-care ads by a pair of linked coalitions supporting Obama's health-care overhaul proposal — Healthy Economy Now and a newer offshoot unveiled last week called Americans for Stable Quality Care.
Pretty awful. Not only should this firm not be involved in plugging ObamaCare, the Obama-ites should ask for a refund. After all, support for the Democrats' health care proposal keeps falling.
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