Saturday, August 29, 2009

Organizing for America ringing the phones to fill Sunday's St. Louis ObamaCare rally

I know a lot of people in a lot of places. One of them, a former co-worker, said she got a phone call yesterday from Organizing for America, requesting that she attend a health care town hall in St. Louis Sunday night.

This "grass roots" effort is being run by Organizing for America, Barack Obama's political wing.

And it's all available--after signing up for e-mail updates--right here:

Health Insurance Reform Bus Tour Event (Health Insurance Reform Now)
We'll be gathering together to show our support, hearing from speakers -- including Organizing for America's Deputy Director Jeremy Bird, community leaders, and neighbors -- about what reform would mean and how to fight back against the lies.

We've been building support for reform person-by-person in recent months, collecting over 1 million declarations of support for reform from folks across the country -- and this week, we're going to join voices and echo one message about where the American people stand on health reform: Let's get it done!

Doors open at 6pm
Time: Sunday, August 30 from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Host: Dan Herman
Location: IBEW Hall Local One (Saint Louis, MO)
5850 Elizabeth Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63110

Now my friend has had some health issues of late, she can't get around easily, and doesn't own a car.

But it was no problem for her to make it to the polls on Election Day. After she told the campaign about her situation, they told her transportation would be arranged. They sent a taxi to pick her up so she could vote. Yes, she voted for Obama.

Now giving rides to voters on Election Day is an old and legal practice. I don't know if the campaign paid her fare, or if it was labor donated--but sending out a taxi cab? That's a new one for me.

She's since become disenchanted with Dear Leader and she won't be attending the town hall.

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