Here's an excerpt:
As opposition to the Democrats' government-run health plan is mounting, the President has said he’d like to stamp out some of the disinformation floating around out there. The problem is the President, himself, plays fast and loose with the facts. So as someone who’s taken care of patients, I'd like to take a moment to clear up a couple of the President's worst offenses.
On the stump, the President regularly tells Americans that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan." But if you read the bill, that just isn't so. For starters, within five years, every health care plan will have to meet a new federal definition for coverage – one that your current plan might not match, even if you like it.
What's more, experts agree that under the House bill, millions of Americans will be forced off their personal, private coverage and shuffled onto the government plan.
Related post:
Report from the bloggers' conference call about EFCA with Rep. Tom Price
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