Friday, August 21, 2009

British ObamaCare nightmare: Over 300,000 pathology samples wrongly labeled

Some Americans fear that a government-run health care program could end up like the United States Postal Service. Britain's Telegraph has a story about health care "gone postal."

A third of a million samples sent to National Health Service pathology laboratories were wrongly labelled in the past year, figures show, leading to 46 deaths or serious delay in treatment.

Almost 366,000 specimens were mislabelled before they arrived at the pathology laboratories, figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act disclose.

A total of 46 recorded cases over the past financial year where uncovered where "mislabelling was found to have been related either to a patient death or a significant delay in patient treatment." said the survey of every NHS trust in Britain, undertaken by the Channel 4 programme, More4 News.

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