This post should be abolished, and now that this news has hit, it just might be, as ABC 7 Chicago reports:
The offices of Cook County suburban school superintendent Charles Flowers were raided on Wednesday.
Flowers is accused of using county money for personal vacations, rental cars and restaurant bills.
The Suburban Cook County Regional Office of Education's purpose is to provide teacher certifications and support for suburban Cook County schools. But investigators suspect the educator who runs it used the place as a personal piggy bank for friends and family.
"All the Superintendent did upon his election was to feel like he won the lottery, hiring his family and friends and padding the payroll," said Cmsr. Liz Gorman, (R) Orland Park.
I'm glad ABC 7 made the effort to identify Gorman as a Republican. But nowhere in this article, and they're not alone in this omission, is Flowers' party affiliation mentioned.
He's a Democrat.
Although I'm not an attorney, my legal advice to Flowers is to say that he was just trying to enact his own economic stimulus plan.
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1 comment:
Mr. Flowers and Mr. Toddler
Stroger need to go!
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