"Urkel" may want to take a second, or third, look at his books.
Cook County Board President Todd Stroger's $2.9 billion budget proposal -- which he refused to release publicly after making his budget address on Tuesday -- was so rife with miscalculations that critics say it's nearly impossible to get a clear picture of the county's finances.
Opposition commissioners said the sloppy mistakes underline a "general incompetence" of the president's administration.
"I've never seen a government that put out a budget so chock full of errors, inaccuracy and misinformation. I don't even think they know their own financial picture," Commissioner Forrest Claypool said. "It shows remarkable ineptness and is symbolic of general mismanagement of county government that taxpayers pay a heavy price for."
On Wednesday, Stroger's staff "demanded" some commissioners return the error-riddled copies while corrected versions are being made.
What a bunch of tools.
Stroger, who effectively inherited the office two years ago after his father suffered a stroke, chose his cousin, Donna Dunnings, to be the county's chief financial officer.
As for Dunnings, she's blaming an assistant, who has ties to Stroger's Chicago ward organization, for the mistakes.
Four months ago, Stroger and his lackeys on the county board added one percent to county residents already high sales tax rate, the new levy is known as "the corruption tax."
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Technorati tags:
That sign should read; Crook Co.
The more I think about Stroger,
the more I think about getting out
of Cook County. You're right about
Stroger, he is a real tool.
Toady still thinks he's doing a
"Damn Good Job"! What a trip he's
Crook County Crook County. Toad
Stroger for state senator.
Pundit O'Tool.
Taking Pictures of plain green
County signs:: so easy a Caveman
can do it!
Mr. Pundit You are an unbelievably
Arrogant Prick! I agree with
Marathonh8tr, YOU SUCK! Your Boy
Bush should've been investigated,
8 years ago along with his
brother Jeb!!!!!!!!
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