Rep. Henry Waxman, a Beverly Hills Democrat, is one of the principal authors of the bill, and he and 218 other members of "the people's house" haven't figured out that many of those "dirty" manufacturing jobs will be headed to China, which is not expected to have its own cap-and-trade in place in the current century--if ever.
The other principal author of the cap-and-trade bill, known formally as Waxman-Markey, is Rep. Ed. Markey (D-MA), and he has been oddly silent about the Cape Wind project off of Cape Cod. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA), whose family has its storied compound in Hyannis Port, vehemently opposes Cape Wind, as does the family's chief tree-hugger, Robert Kennedy, Jr.
Cape Wind would possibly obstruct the beachfront views of some millionaires--as well as make their yachting playground slightly more difficult to maneuver in.
Ten years from now, the millionaires will still have their view and their yachts, but Joe Lunchbucket from Youngstown, Ohio will know his factory jobs is now in Guangdong province.
And our carbon emissions will have been transferred to China.
Maybe the Kennedy family yachts will be of Chinese-make by then.
More change I can't believe in.
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