Another blogger on the call, I don't know who it was, but he ripped into Kirk, stating he wasn't conservative enough. I defended Kirk.
But no conservative...Hey, no self respecting moderate could vote for the energy tax bill, better known as cap-and-trade.
Kirk was one of eight Democrats to vote for the energy tax.
Have you had enough? I have, which is why I plan to be at the Cap-and-Trade Tea Party at Mark Kirk's office just a few miles up the road from me in Northbrook.
Here's what you need to know:
Monday - June 29 - 12 Noon
707 Skokie Boulevard
Suite 350
Northbrook, IL 60062
Kirk's office phone is 847-940-0202, his Fax number is 847-940-7143. If you'd like to e-mail him, click here.
If you can't make it to that one, then cross the party aisle and head a few miles west to Schaumburg on Tuesday for a Tea Party at Rep. Melissa Bean's office in Schaumburg:
Tuesday - June 30 - 12 Noon
Melissa Bean
1701 E. Woodfield Road
Suite 200
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Bean's district office phone number is 847-517-2927, if you'd like to fax the alleged Blue Dog Democrat--her fax number is 847-517-2931. Click here to e-mail Bean.
I can't make the Bean event--work beckons me.
Bring signs.
Silent no more!
One more item: Click here to sign the Lake County Tea Party anti-cap-and-trade online petition.
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Congratulations to Mark Kirk for showing courage to do what he believes is right in the face of all the screaming AM radio kooks.
Voting for a thousand page bill that no one has read is not right, it is insane. Mark Kirk should go to the end of unemployment line immediately.
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