Last year Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, the man who is responsible for sticking county residents like myself with paying the nation's highest sales tax, hired a busboy to work for the county. He quickly became an assistant to then-county Chief Financial Officer Donna Dunnings, who happens to be the related to the Toddler.
Are you angry yet?
The Chicago Sun-Times will make you so:
If a guy's got clout in Cook County, getting tossed in the hoosegow could be like a paid vacation.
Tony Cole, the busboy-turned-patronage worker at the center of a county hiring scandal, apparently had that kind of clout in the finance department, according to payroll records obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times.
Tony Cole was fired for lying about his criminal past on a job application.
County president Todd Stroger's cousin, former chief financial officer Donna Dunnings, gave her former secretary paid time off that he did not earn for workdays he was locked in county jail. Dunnings also signed time cards that claimed Cole worked weekends that he did not show up at the office, county records show.
Twice Dunnings bailed Cole out of jail--he was arrested on domestic violence charges--and the ex-bus boy is currently being held in Cook County Jail.
Dunnings said that Cole earnded comp days off for working extra hours, according to the office timekeeper. The Sun-Times says a source told the paper that Cole was that time keeper.
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