Monday, May 25, 2009

Nork nuke crisis

One world's poorest country, North Korea, has apparently successfully tested a nuclear device on the level of the 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts.

The impoverished nation literally lives in darkness--South Korea is the lighted half--with a nuke. Will the Norks use nuclear weapons to extort concessions from nations within missile range of the Hermit Kingdom?

Will Barack Obama counter this move with anything besides strongly condemning North Korea?

Meanwhile, the president is toying with the idea of abandoning "unproven" missile defense systems.

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The Hegemonist said...

What would you want Obama to do? We've already got sanctions on them. Heaven knows our attempts to buy them off haven't worked. Let's do nothing, and maybe China and Japan will realize that if they want anything done, they're going to have to help pay for it this time. Either of them could solve this thing once and for all. Anyway, I blogged about it at if you're interested.

Levois said...

Could this be that 3AM call?