Thursday, March 05, 2009

State Senate bid to oust Burris fails

Earlier today a state Senate committee voted along party lines--the Democrats voted against it--not to end Roland Burris' US Senate term and authorize a special election to fill the seat once held by Barack Obama.

Barring an unforeseen turn of events, Burris will be a candidate to run for a full term next year. Don't underestimate his chances in a Democratic primary election. Burris has made it clear he is not afraid to use the race card in advancing his career in Washington, and will probably have a lock on about 30 percent of the vote next February. In a multi-candidate field, that could be huge for the man appointed to the Senate by disgraced former Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Burris would have serious, possible insurmountable obstacles in a November race.

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1 comment:

Omnibabe said...

Not afraid to use the race card? My God! That's the FIRST one he whips out of the