Monday, February 16, 2009

Rep. Schock shows his backbone to Obama

The Illinois Republican Party has a rising star, Rep. Aaron Schock of Peoria, Congress' youngest member.

Last week the 27 year-old rode with Barack Obama on Air Force One to his hometown, where Obama tried to convince the freshman legislator to vote for his economic stimulus bill.

Obama's pleadings to Schock continued during his speech at a Peoria Caterpillar plant.

But Schock held his ground and voted "No." Although Caterpillar is the largest employer in the Peoria area, the congressman told CNN's John King that although "Cat" machines will be used on stimulus projects, he pointed out that of the $800 billion authorized by Obama's bill, "only 6 percent" will go towards infrastructure improvements.

Schock also defined "bipartisan" for the president. "Bipartisanship is not one side writes the bill," Schock explained, "and the other side votes for it."

H/T to Peoria Pundit.

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