Gitmo is incarcerating the worst of the worst terrorists and jihadists, and of course the next question is, "What do we do with these guys?"
George W. Bush was completely aware of the bad image Gitmo gave the United States in the latter years of his presidency. However, after some inquiries, Bush learned that our allies didn't want any Gitmo prisoners incarcered on their soil. A few inmates, including some Chinese Muslims, are stateless. China doesn't want them back.
A couple of years ago, there was speculation that Leavenworth, Kansas, a town with plenty of prisons already, might add one more--a facility for the Gitmo prisoners.
Leavenworth didn't want to have to deal with the stigma.
The Leavenworth option might be back on the table. Leavenworth says, "No thank you."
Obama says "Close Gitmo."
Now what?
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