Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chicago Sun-Times' Mary Mitchell: An apologist for the one dissenting vote on Blago's impeachment

I rarely take time to poke at bad newspaper columns from writers I don't agree with. Why? Because I won't be able to get anything else done--there is so much awful offal out there.

Such as Mary Mitchell's Chicago Sun-Times column, where she serves as an apologist for the goofy state representative, Milt Patterson (D-Chicago), who was the sole dissenting vote against Blago's impeachment. Mitchell, as is her wont, brings race into it:

Here's a sniff of the smelly stew:

But African Americans are a fiercely loyal group when it comes to supporting those in political leadership.

Does that include Republicans?


I know that is a sweeping generalization, and someone is going to yelp at me for making it.

But it is rare for the black community to turn its back on a politician who is viewed as "inclusive."

Former President Bill Clinton is a case in point. During the Monica Lewinsky scandal, African Americans were among his most ardent supporters.

Blago is toxic, Ms. Mitchell. He uses people until he doesn't need them anymore, such as his father-in-law, Chicago alderman Richard Mell. African-Americans aren't any different, except that Blago hasn't gotten around to disposing of them yet.

Here's what F. Scott Fitzgerald, that's his statue on top, wrote about villains Tom and Daisy Buchanan in "The Great Gatsby." The description matches Rod Blagojevich, and his wife Patti:

They were careless people, Tom and Daisy–they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.

Unfortunately, we are just now beginning to clean up after the the Blagojeviches.

Somehow, Mary Mitchell can't figure that out.

And for the uninitiated, Patti Blagojevich made a lot of money in real estate deals with convicted felon Tony Rezko. Click here to read about just one of those deals.

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Jim Roper said...

Mary Mitchell is a JOKE!

Jim Roper said...

I'd like a ham & cheese sandwich,
hold the Blago!

Jim Roper said...

Yeah Mary Mitchell, Blago is (Toxic). And he uses ppl. until he
doesn't need them anymore, kinda
like the (Republicans)!

Jim Roper said...

At least George Bush never made a
blunder like that!

talnik said...

Was O.J. "inclusive"?

Jim Roper said...

If the glove doesn't fit, you
must aquit.

Jim Roper said...

More like "Exclusive".

Jim Roper said...

If you're waiting for a reply from
the ever Elusive John Ruberry Mr.
Talnik, you'll be waiting for a
very very very long time!!!!!!!!