Chicago Tribune: Blagojevich to swear in Senate, then members start his trial
AP: Blagojevich faces tough trial
ABC 7 Chicago: Daley responds to impeachment of governor
Chicago Tribune: 3 Chicago Democrats in House didn't vote to impeach Gov. Rod Blagojevich
Arizona Republic: Illinois can learn something from our Mecham case
NBC 5 Chicago: Politicians to Blago: Resign, resign, resign
Champaign News-Gazette: Professor outlines process for governor's Senate trial
Chicago Tribune: Gov. Rod Blagojevich can even embarrass Cubs
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Blagonese is officially Impeached.
Now we can all sleep at night,
knowing he will soon be locked up
right where he belongs. And he must
remember to bring his writing
material, and a big jar of
Vaseline. Oh Blagonese, what in
the world were you thinking when
you tried to auction off Obama's
vacated senate seat? And Mr. Obama
isn't even going to miss you. We
won't either, shame on you!
Blago's hair is so natural, you'd
never know it twas a WIG!
Blago likes to jog on ice covered
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