Rod Blagojevich said his right to due process is being denied. He wants to call senior advisers Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett as witnesses.
I just finished listening to Blago on the Don & Roma show on WLS-AM. The Chicago Democrat said his story "is a 21st Century Frank Capra movie."
For the uniniatated, Capra made a slew of movies, many of them starring James Stewart, where one man fights for "the little guy." Blagojevich talked about the Capra/Stewart film "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington," where Stewart's honest character confronts venal congressmen.
UPDATE 12:45pm CST: The Chicago Tribune's Eric Zorn has compiled a whole bunch of quotes from this morning's interview. I neglected to mention that Blago is claming the General Assembly wants him removed from office so they can raise taxes.
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