Impeached Governor Rod Blagojevich will hold a press conference in a little more than an hour, 2pm Central Time. In his last press conference, which he held two Fridays ago, the Chicago Democrat quoted Alfred Lord Tennyson. It was possibly the most shameless political event in recent history.
And that's not because he quoted the 19th Century poet.
Look for the press conference to start late. Blago is never on time.
Related post: Blago defiant at press conference Technorati tags:
Illinois Politics
Rod Blagojevich
Why, to whine more about how his arrest was like Pearl Harbor? Good grief, this gets more hystrionic daily!
Blago has to go jogging first. And
until Lt. governor Pat Quinn screws
up by getting arrested himself,
Blago's arrest back in December
will have to safice.
Who is the female(?) that stands in the doorway at each press conference? She keeps one hand in her pocket and continually looks at her cell phone. She must know she is on camera, while we all wait for Blago. Who is she, and what is her job?
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