Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blago deliberations continue

Members of Illinois' state Senate are deliberating, well, they are giving speeches.

I'm watching live coverage on CLTV.

Former Senate Minority Leader Frank Watson (R-Greenville), who has been suffering health problems, became emotional during his presentation just now. He told his colleagues, "Where were the good people areound Governor Blagjojevich." Who was there to say 'No.'"

Watson went on to say that some of them are still in state government.

Which to me says, the clean-up of Illinois isn't over.

Prior to Watson, Sen. Rickey Hendon (D-Chicago) spoke, he spoke more favorably of his fellow Democrat, but he also predicted the Senate would vote unamimously to remove Blagojevich.

Watson's successor, Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) summed up what pretty much else everyone else said, Blagojevich "abused his power repeatedly and over a long period of time."

The last senator just said his bit. Illinois' chief justice explaining the rules of the vote.

Each senator will stand, announce their vote--without explanation, and then they'll vote electronically.

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