Actually, nothing is lower than Blago's decency level.
Welcome back to your daily Blago Scandals Reader, first night of Hanukkah edition.
AP: Obama set to release Blagojevich report this week
The Southern Illinoisan (EDITORIAL): Innocent unless proven guilty, but not fit to govern
AP: Illinois impeachment panel awaits word from prosecutor
The Australian: Shadow over Barack Obama's holidays
ABC News' George Stephanopoulos. Obama's Blago report: Only one Rahm call to governor (Dec. 21)
Chicago Sun-Times' Michael Sneed: Rahm's calls on tape (Dec. 16)
Chicago News Examiner: Blagojevich and the rat warning: the backstory
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Obama was hatched from the cess-pool of Illinois politics, and yet he expects us to believe that none of the "cess" from that cess-pool stuck to him.
You're a biggot Mr. Pundit, you
delete comments that don't agree
with your point of view or that of
your Minions! Way to go Mr. Pundit,
Marathonh8tr was right about you.
It's no surprise that you're
tracing all Anonymous commenters.
It kinda defeats the purpose of
having the Anonymous option on thr
Happy Kwanzaa Dingelberry Pundit!
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