Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chillin' by the river

It was -5 degrees, the windchill was -30, when I went for a short run this afternoon. The North Branch of the Chicago River, this time you see it in St. Paul Woods in Morton Grove, was just starting to freeze over when I took this picture.

After I got back from my run, Mrs. Marathon Pundit informed me that the National Weather Service issued a warning against people spending extended times outdoors.

I made it back home, without frostbite.

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Anonymous said...

You should've went for a dip, Mr.
Saddam Pundit. I surely thought
you were a member of the Polar
Bear Club?????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Riddle your cat had a viddle
and your still waiting for the Lunar Express.................

Jim Roper said...

Twas a might bit brutal outside

Jim Roper said...

Ah, it lives! The ever elusive