Monday, December 08, 2008

Rev. Wright speaks out on Obama at Trinity United

Look who was back on the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ yesterday. Pastor emeritus Jeremiah Wright.

President-elect Barack Obama made a "bad decision" by distancing himself from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his church, Wright said Sunday -- but that's OK.

"He's still my child," Wright said in a sermon in which he expressed pride in Obama's longtime association with Trinity United Church of Christ.

His talk was spiced with his trademark blend of history lesson, mimicry, singing, and -- depending on your point of view -- insults, or telling it like it is. One object of contempt seemed to be Elisabeth Hasselbeck of ABC's "The View," whom -- while not saying her name -- Wright twice referred to as a "broad," including once as "that dumb broad." Hasselbeck has criticized Wright on "The View."

Also in attendance was that "meddlesome priest," Father Michael Pfleger.

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Anonymous said...

Wright ranks right up there with
Louis Farakahn

Anonymous said...

Father Micheal Pfleger: Another
man who doesn't know he's white!