Throw in The Pogues, and the late Kirsty MacColl, and you've got "A Fairytale of New York."
Hat tip and slàinte to Midnight Blue for the YouTube clip.
And if you get a chance, visit Patrick Hynes' Ankle Biting Pundits blog. He's the biggest Pogues fan in the blogosphere.
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A tray of Limburger for you Mr.P.
Happy Kwanza to you.
Mr. Pundit as Dr. Evil!
Remember the UNI-BOMBER???????????
Jr. Marthonh8tr<<<<<<<<
IT is for you, a big Wheel of
Gouda. And for dessert LIMBURGER!
Gee Mr. McFly, the accent mark is
in the wrong place. It's supposed
to be over the "E".
Get lost McFly, you Irish Bug!
David Axelrod rules. Mr. Pundit
drools. Nuff said.
Grow some jewels you gaseous
piece of ----!!!!
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