The Barack Obama campaign was about breaking precedents. Some Obama events, such as his Berlin speech, his Democratic National Convention acceptance address, and his Chicago election night party, just had to be otherworldly affairs.
And when you go outside the box, sometimes it gets expensive, as the Chicago Sun-Times reports.
Before Obamapolooza commenced in Grant Park, Mayor Richard M. Daley predicted it would cost Chicago $2 million. His estimate was pretty close, it ended up costing the city $1.74 million.
More than $1 million was spent on police protection alone.
Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt had no immediate comment on the city's itemized bill. Instead, he referred questions to the Democratic National Committee.
"It was a DNC-sponsored event. We're discussing it with the city," said party spokeswoman Stacie Paxton.
Like most big cities, Chicago is experiencing a financial crush. The Obama campaign could have held this event, as John McCain did, in a hotel ballroom, but the Cult of Change just had to be different.
Hey DNC: How 'bout writing a check to the City of Chicago for $1.74 million?
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