Jefferson is known not only for his federal indictment on bribery charges, but also the $90,000 found in his freezer.
Cao, who emigrated to the United States in 1975 from Saigon, is the first Vietnamese-American to win a seat in Congress.
In the western part of Louisiana, Republican John Fleming narrowly defeated Democrat Democrat Paul Carmouche. It was an open seat held by a retiring Republican.
Post-Hurricane Katrina demographic shifts certaininly had something to do with Cao's win,--the New Orleans area district he won is heavily-African American--but likely less so since 2005.
But Cao's win, can be called, yes, "historic." And Louisiana, which had been trending Republican even before Katrina, boasts the nation's only Vietnamese-American congressman, and America's only Indian-American governor, who of course is Republican Bobby Jindal.
Related post:
Bobby Jindal comes to Iowa
UPDATE 12:45pm CST: This is as a good time of any to link to an excellent site, Cao's Blog, Cao is a Chicago blogger who has no relation to Joseph Cao, except conservatism.
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Blacks didn't turn out in this election. I'll bet I know why.
Salutations Mr.Axelrod!
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