Durbin is backing off that suggestion--he's worried that a Republican may win the seat.
The Senate's second-ranked Democrat was right--the first time.
The people, not the politicians, should decide.
From an Illinois Republican Party press release:
Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna, DuPage County State's Attorney Joe Birkett, and Congressman-Elect Aaron Schock announced today that the State Party has begun a statewide grassroots campaign to inform voters of the need for a special election.
"The people of Illinois simply cannot trust Rod Blagojevich's Lieutenant Governor, Pat Quinn, to decide who their next U.S. Senator should be," said McKenna. "Our grassroots campaign will inform voters of the need for a special election."
As part of the grassroots plan, the Party on Monday will begin a heavy statewide television advertising campaign.
The plan also includes the unveiling of a new web site, FriendsofBlago.com, which will serve as a tool to inform voters of the web of connections all Democrats have to Rod Blagojevich, reminding them that Blagojevich Democrats should not be choosing our next U.S. Senator.
"Blagojevich Democrats like Pat Quinn did nothing to stand up to Governor Blagojevich and his ethical lapses," added Birkett. "In 2006, when federal investigations were mounting around the Governor, Pat Quinn opted to defend Rod Blagojevich by calling him an honest man."
Rasmussen reported last week that 66% of Illinois voters are in favor of a special election.
"The people of Illinois are in this position because we have a Governor who tried to 'monetize' an appointment to the United States Senate," said Schock. "The people's confidence in our democracy is priceless. The only way to restore their faith is to let this choice be decided in an open and fair election by the people."
The Party will also begin live-connect calls into legislative districts throughout the state, another tool informing voters of the special election, asking them to contact their legislators and voice their support for the election.
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1 comment:
A Republican? Ah yes, we had
one before the infamous "Slim
Blago", I believe his name was
"GEORGE License 4 Bribes Ryan."
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