The Chicago Sun-Times has more:
Should he stay in office, Gov. Blagojevich is warming to the idea of holding a special election for President-elect Barack Obama's vacant U.S. Senate seat, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.
The governor -- facing criminal charges that he put the seat and other state-government decisions up for sale -- was optimistic at the start of the weekend that he would sign a bill that would strip him of his power to name Obama's successor, a Blagojevich source said Sunday.
The governor didn't commit to the idea, however, because he wants to make sure legislators send him a "clean bill" that would apply to future unexpected U.S. Senate vacancies -- not just the Obama seat.
Blagojevich's stance seemed to indicate he is leaning toward staying in office for the foreseeable future. The Sun-Times reported in Saturday's editions that he was expected to decide early this week whether to resign.
Other than expecting extreme vanity and venality, predicting Blago's behavior is a risky proposition.
And my forecast is that Blagojevich won't be quitting.
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