The Securities and Exchange Commission filed insider trading charges against Mark Cuban, the outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks, for allegedly dumping shares in upon learning it was raising money in a private offering.
Cuban has shown interest in purchasing the Chicago Cubs from the Tribune Company. Two weeks ago an anonymous official with Major League Baseball said there was "zero chance" Cuban would be allowed the purchase the team.
Last year, Cuban financially backed the Brian DePalma film "Redacted," a box office flop of an anti-Iraq War film. Supporters of our troops have charged Cuban, and the film's director, Brian DePalma, with endangering our troops serving in the Middle East.
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Cuban will no doubt be going to
jail for this. For how long is anyone's guess.
Mark obviously adheres to the Martha Stewart School of Stock Management.
Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy, and I'm happy to see this if only to kill any shot at Cubs ownership that rat-bastage may have had.
Jail time: 5-8 months.
I doubt he does any jail time. Stewart was convicted for obstruction because she lied to prosecutors. Cuban will probably get a stiff fine.
Mark Cuban thought he was a "Teflon
Don". Slick Willy, starring Mark
Cuban. A stiff fine and that slap
on the ol wrist.
Can Mark Cuban say Rezko?
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