• Restructure the automobile companies to ensure their long-term economic viability;
• Meet standards for fuel efficiency that ensure the competitiveness of U.S. autos, including new fuel-efficiency standards; and,
• Deploy advanced vehicle technologies required to compete in the domestic and global market.
Labor costs are a big reason why Detroit is in its predicament. Bankruptcy would allow the automakers to renogiate their union contracts.
Assuming the Democrats push through a bailout bill, the automakers have to look the next union contract negotiations within the framework of company survival. That means pay freezes or cuts, and less generous benefits. If the domestic auto industry doesn't survive, the workers get nothing.
Oh yeah. The automakers need to build better cars.
Businesses that adapt are the ones that survive.
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You're asking for alot....for Ford to build a better car.
You're asking a lot...for Pelosi to not act like an ultra-liberal Democrat.
We all know the F.O.R.D in Ford
stands for. Fix Or Repair Daily.
Ford spelled backwards. Driver
Returns On Foot.
Kind of makes me glad I own a Honda.
It's just amazing how arrogant Pelosi is to think that she has a clue about making a good business investment. You'd think our politicians would ask Detroit to fix their problems with the unions before giving them $$...
Pelosi has been sniffing the "Rubber cement again"!
Grow some jewels you gaseous
piece of S**T!!!!
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