Today President-elect Barack Obama resigned his Senate seat. Unlike the Pekin Republican, Obama's list of upper chamber achievements are few. Yeah, Dirksen served in the Senate for almost twenty years, but think about it, Obama managed to get elected president by way of a very slim of résumé.
And the media doesn't think that fact is newsworthy.
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While Obama had only been in the Illinois senate a few years, we
"Republicans should'nt pick on him.
We don't want to further aggrevate
the proverbial "Hornet's nest.
Why do you keep insisting he has "few" accomplishments when he's been complimented by other conservatives for his work with Tom Coburn on government transparency, his work with Dick Lugar and securing loose nukes, and more?
Heck, even your fellow Illinois conservative pundit/blogger Greg Blankenship of the Illinois Policy Institute gave Obama praise for his work with the ardently conservative Sen. Coburn.
The election's over big guy. Take a deep breath and come on back to the reality-based world.
Very "Un Democratic" This is a Great time in our country's history. The first African American
to ever be elected President.
Change has come, and the conclusion
of the "Bush Fiasco"!
Well he did have a building named
after him.
Absolutely, Mr. Obama voted "present" much of the time. No doubt he already had aspirations of running for higher office so strategically chose not to leave a voting track record, thus burying deeper his far-left liberal belief/value system to those who won't see and don't care. He is said to be the MOST LIBERAL SENATOR--think about that.
No votes, no track record. Don't watch the words...they flow easily and elequently as some say, messianic in intonations, but watch the value and belief system, which is where the left of democratic party have taken it.
Reseach the recent running record of the Illinois Democratic party--check out Springfield politics. Check out pre-election letters by democrats to editors of local newspapers if you want to understand the meaning real 'hate speech'.
There's the pass-down-from-father-to-son Todd Stroger inherited Cook County office if you want to know how Decomocratic Illinois politics work. Check out the politics of Sen. Durbin who has never met a Republican he doesn't hate.
However, I wish Pres. Elect Obama well and I hope he will be a president for all the people. He is just a man and needs our prayers. Also, condolences to Sen. Durbin on the recent loss of his daughter.
Grow some jewels you gaseous
piece of S**T!!!!
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