As an example of this remarkable transformation let's look at the situation in Washington involving The Candidate Barack Obama vs. The Elected Official Barack Obama.
As The Candidate you will remember the many times Obama traipsed through Southern Illinois in his bid to become a U.S. senator. In fact, I remember last April when The Candidate Obama, accompanied by The Elected Official Dick Durbin, visited the Southern Illinois University Coal Research Park in Carterville and made promise after promise about his commitment to help Southern Illinois residents secure jobs by doing all he could to revive the dying coal industry.
Yes, it was quite a day for The Candidate Obama in Carterville, the marching bands, smiling hangers-on and glad-handing politicians.
But sadly, that was then and this is now. In other words, that was The Candidate Obama, and now The Elected Official Obama seems to have forgotten that April day last year.
Three years later, Barack Obama, in San Fransisco of all places, had this to say about coal:
If somebody wants to build a coal power plant they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.
That's not what Obama told those once and hopefully future coal miners in southern Illinois.
Here's the audio:
Related posts:
Biden the buffoon...today's gaffes
Another new McCain-Palin radio ad: "Clean Coal"
Report from this morning's McCain campaign teleconference
Obama blowing smoke on coal
Obama mining for trouble
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He does something not much different than what most politicians do, speak out of both sides of his mouth.
An Obama win is starting to look more rather than less likely. I'd like to know what an Obama Presidency would mean for Britons.
Our media has been lying to the world, Curly. Don't believe a word of it.
Do you truly believe 9% of voters are undecided at this late stage of the game?
They're afraid to come right out and say it...
"I'm terrified of this brash young man, but who I will vote for is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!"
(Check out John's post on his moronic statement about bankrupt our coal industry!)
Most of the State's polls show the race is tightening. If you consider the majority of those "undecideds" will break for McCain, you can see that we'll likely have a republican President in January, and Britain will continue to have a strong ally to continue fighting radical Muslims.
Good news, huh?
Right on, fellas!
Obama's social experiment ... or, should I say Socialist experiment, will bring America to it's knees! America has more coal than any other country in the world. Coal is one of America's greatest natural resources, and our most abundant source of fuel. Our economy and our National Security is extremely intertwined with coal. We should be supporting and promoting clean coal. The thought that Obama would possibly bankrupt our coal industry is scary. Obama's 20 year history of embracing radical ideas, radical people and radical change to our country allows this candidate with virtually no experience, to gamble with our constitution, our economy, our national security, and our future. Keep America safe and prosperous, ... Elect McCain/Palin on November 4th !!!
Kid Hope can kiss Adios to Franklin
and Williamson Counties for openers.
Howard, which is "socialist" ... giving 700 billion tax dollars to major corporations that essentially screwed up big time or giving 95% of Americans a tax cut?
Please explain why the conservatives' apparent definition of "socialist" is suddenly so malleable.
PS: One of those corporations used their bailout money to send their execs to a luxury resort for a spa retreat. And McCain "suspended" his campaign in order to work the phones to get that deal done and was quite proud of the bailout once it finally passed.
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