What makes this newsworthy is that Smith and Cochran are Chicago alderman.
Smith proposed legislation two years ago that would effectively ban elephants within Chicago's city limits--unless each elephant is given 10 acres or roaming space. Which is of course an impossibility.
Her watered-down bill would only prohibit the use of chains and restraining devices.
Meanwhile, the City of Chicago is planning layoffs and is looking at a budget deficit of over $400 million.
With "leadership" like this, is anyone surprised?
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Elephants in Chiago? This is funny. Let's just hope if the Aldergoons get apporoval for these elephants, that the animals don't
break free and start roaming the city. Imagine some lawyer walking
downtown an elephant crossing the
street in front of him/her, and they start choking on their latte. That would be one heck of a Lawsuit.
Gee someone doesn't know how to
spell! What tree did you fall out
of,CPS reject?!
Anon #2....
That wasn't very nice.
You know what would be even more
hillarious is if these elephants
wandered into UPtown Park Ridge.
The looks on their faces would be
3 elephants walking around city hall=several thousand dollars.
Extra streets and san crews to
clean up after the elephants= several thousand dollars. The look
on the mayor's face=PRICLESS.
Someone should've hidden the rubber
cement from these Aldergeeks!
Here's a new idea Programming idea
for H.B.O. Elephants Gone Wild.
Just Don't park your car too close to the Very large animals!
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